Scheduling Scans

How to set your scan schedule?

Assessment start schedules allow you to control when and how often your assessments should occur.

Version Number: v1.0.2

Published Date: 25 Jul 2024


If left unset, Edgescan will default to monthly for your assessment scan schedule.

Assessment overview

Assessment Start Schedules

There are currently 2 ways to set up Assessment Start Schedules for an Asset

1. During Asset Creation

See asset creation documentation

2. From the assets page

  1. Navigate to the asset's page.
  2. Click on the settings icon beside "Assessment Start schedule"
  3. In the Configure assessment start scheduled pop up, select a time and a date for Next Assessment Start Date
  4. Select how many times you want the assessment to repeat
    1. If you choose to repeat the assessment you will be prompted to enter how often you want it to repeat and when it should end
  5. Select "save"
  6. Once you save the assessment start schedule you will list a list of all schedules for the current asset. You also have the ability to add more
  7. You can also view the assessment start schedule on the calendar view

Assessment in progress

The Assessment start schedule pane within an Asset view shows the progress of the current assessment. The image below shows that the assessment is currently in a status of 'Automated scanning', and by hovering over the "Assessment in progress" text you can see more information about the assessment such as the type, status and date on which the assessment commenced.

You will not see new results in the portal until this scan has completed and the findings have been manually validated. The amount of time this takes depends on the asset in question. Larger applications or network blocks, particularly those with slower response times, will take longer to scan.

Next assessment scheduled

If there is no assessment in progress, the Scanning schedule pane will show the date that the next assessment begins.

No assessment scheduled

When there is no assessment scheduled, the Scanning schedule pane will show the date of the last assessment

Schedule calendar

Current/most recent assessment

The current or most recent assessment is denoted by a full coloured tile. The "Begins" tile (as shown below) within the calendar indicates the start date of an assessment. This means that scanning will commence or has commenced on this date. The "Finished" tile indicates when the last assessment finished. If the assessment is not finished, there will be a "Scanning" or "Validating" tile instead of "Finished".

You can hover over these tiles to view more information such as the type of assessment and the vulnerabilities found / testing.

Past assessments

All past assessments are denoted by an Icon in the corner of the date. The "Begins" tile is denoted by a 'Play' icon while the "Finished" tile is denoted by the 'Check' icon.

Future assessments

All future assessments which are scheduled to take place will have a coloured icon indicating their start date.

Pause Schedules

Pause schedules are a global resource that can be assigned to an organization or an asset. A Pause Schedule consists of a group of Pause Windows, these are specific times that scanning is not allowed to happen within. The User has the ability to assign Pause Schedules during asset creation (single and bulk) and while updating an asset (single and bulk).

The Pause Schedule is displayed as a coloured block on the calendar view. This shows the time frames that scanning cannot happen.