How to create many assets in the platform in the Edgescan platform.
Version Number: v1.0.1
Published Date: 13 May 2024
How can I create an Asset?
The Asset creation screen is available on the Assets Index page(1), where a small grey plus icon is available(2) for users with sufficient permissions.
Clicking on it opens up a side panel with options to create an asset or multiple assets (bulk).
To choose between single and bulk asset creation options click on respective tab in the upper part of the panel.
Bulk asset creation - screen details
- File Upload
When you 1st click into the Bulk asset create tab, you are presented with a screen that allows dragging and dropping a prepared CSV file into bordered area(1). Alternatively you can click the "Browse files"(2) button.
In both cases a file you prepared will be uploaded and parsed, leading you to the next screen.
If you haven't prepared the CSV file yet, there is a template available at the bottom of the screen, to help you with the CSV file structure(3). - Example of csv file that can be used to create assets in bulk:
A breakdown of the .csv used for bulk creation and bulk update is available here.
- Assets Preview
After your CSV file is successfully parsed, a preview(1) will appear, displaying potential errors(2) and warnings(3), for which you can see details by simply moving your mouse over the error/warning icon.
Errors will prevent assets to be created and must be corrected before bulk creation can commence.
Warnings will not prevent asset creation and are there to inform you about potential duplicate location specifiers on already existing assets.
Once data is corrected you can proceed and click "Create assets" button(4).
If you need to re-upload the CSV, click on the "Back" button next to the "Create assets" button(4).