User Management

How can I create users in Edgescan?

User creation is located on the Users page on the Edgescan platform. The users page will only be visible if you have the necessary permissions to manage users, i.e. you are a super user with administrative rights.

Version Number: v1.0.1

Published Date: 13 May 2024


As a super user, you will have access to an extra navigation option labelled "Users" in the top navigation bar.q17wcitb

Click on the Add User button to open the sidebar.wcsowvq2

The new user screen has the following fields:

  • Organization: Select the organization to create the user for.This is only important if your organization has child organizations (required).
  • Username: which will be qualified with a random 4-digit number on creation to ensure uniqueness (required).
  • Email (required).
  • First name (required).
  • Last name (required).
  • Phone number (required where MFA is being enabled).
  • MFA Enabled: Checkbox to enable MFA for the user.
  • MFA Method: Should be set to SMS upon creation.



  1. When a user is created, you must click Reset password which will invite the user to complete account set up.
  2. When a super user changes a phone number, it will be automatically considered confirmed without a verification SMS being sent, so care should be taken to ensure the phone number is correct.
  3. Once created, a users email and phone number can be changed, but not their username.

What's next?

After creating a new user, you can setup their permission so that they can manage assets/vulnerabilities.