2023 Updates

Release Notes - 19th December 2023

A record of all changes made to the Edgescan platform, and a high-level summary as to the impact of the changes.

  • Added weeks and months time period to automated scan notification.

  • Added better support for single organisation configuration

  • Released Edgescan eXposure Factor (EXF). Detailed information available here

  • Added support for CC and BCC in automated notifications available in the advanced options.

  • Added support for removing footers and headers in automated notifications available in the advanced options.
  • Fixed bug in asset update workflow where data was exporting malformed.

  • Added greater support for filtering for TLS ciphers which use CBC mode 

  • When running web application scans I now get notified of suspicious HTML comments and the triggering keyword in the HTML comment

  • Disabled Assets 

    • As a user when I export data & reports, view metrics in the dashboard, or go through the bulk update export & import workflow, I can see that disabled assets are included  

  • LicencingV3 

    • As a user, when I start a retest assessment, I am allowed to do but only provided my asset is actively licensed for vulnerability resting and I am requesting retests within my scanning allowance and for a number of vulnerabilities less than or equal to what is covered by my licence 

  • Bulk update 

    • As a user, when bulk updating assets, where I accidentally add whitespace in the point of contact emails, I can still successfully update my points of contact and the whitespace is automatically cleaned 

    • As a user, when bulk updating assets, where I am adding a brand new contact, where the contact is being set as more than one type of point of contact, I can successfully update my points of contact