Asset Configuration Blocker

How to fix an Asset Configuration block?

Asset Configuration blocks in Edgescan are automated blocks that happen if a valid or incorrect configuration is applied to an asset

Version Number: v1.0.0

Published Date: 13th November 2024


The easiest way to solve this block is to change the configuration on an asset and it will automatically be resolved.

Block cause Cause description
URL location required Application assets must have a location of type URL for our app scanning to start.
Invalid URL location The URL currently on the asset is invalid.
Host location required Assets that are expected to have network assessments must have a host address provided, this can be an IP, hostname or CIDR range. 
API descriptor invalid The API descriptor provided is invalid. We only support Postman collections, Insomnia files and Swagger/Open API files.
Jumpbox required A Jumpbox is required in order for Edgescan to perform internal/private testing. There is no Jumpbox associated with your asset.
API descriptor required There is no API descriptor uploaded to this asset. Edgescan supports Postman collections, Insomnia files and Swagger/Open API files.
Max endpoint allowance exceeded There are too many addresses on the asset location, each licence has a maximum number of supported addresses. Review your licences allowance and remove any additional locations from your assets.
Asset must have internal domain suffix The asset requires an internal domain suffix so our scan engines need to understand how to navigate to the asset via the Jumpbox.
Jumpbox must have DNS setup The asset requires a DNS so our scan engines can understand how to resolve the address provided so we are performing an assessment on the correct asset.