Asset Access Blocker

How to fix an access related block?

Access related blocks in Edgescan are automated blocks that happen if we don't have access to a resource that we are running an assessment on.

Version Number: v1.0.0

Published Date: 13th November 2024


The easiest way to solve this block is review the blocker information in the UI and work with your asset owners to provide the correct testing access to the Edgescan team.

Block cause Cause description
Scanners blocked Our scan engine is blocked from accessing the scoped technology. This is usually geo-blocking or some sort of WAF blocking or slowing our access.
CAPTCHA returned Our scan engine cannot properly authenticate or access an asset as there is CAPTCHA in the way. We will likely need Edgescans IPs to be added to an access list.
Insufficient permissions Our account doesn't have sufficient permission to access the functionality that is in scope.
Unable to resolve hostnames We are unable to resolve the hostnames provided on the asset. There are 2 main scenarios here, a public hostname which is malformed or an internal hostname where we don't have access due to a Jumpbox being down/unavailable or DNs not being correctly configured.
Client server outage The technology we are running an assessment against is providing HTTP 500's or is presenting intermittently which is causing delays and disruptions in our testing.