General Asset Blockers

How to fix a general block?

General blocks in Edgescan are uncommon manual blocks that are usually very bespoke to your asset.

Version Number: v1.0.0

Published Date: 13th November 2024


The easiest way to solve this block is review the blocker detail in the UI and provide the missing information to the testing team.

Block cause Cause description
Blocked by edgescan admin Assessment is blocked by the Edgescan testing team, the reason for the block will be indicated in the asset blocker in the UI.
Automated scanner failure Assessment is blocked by the Edgescan testing team, this is usually related to a misconfiguration on the asset that means our scanner is not receiving the expected feedback from your asset, the detailed reason for the block will be indicated in the asset blocker in the UI.
Paused by user The asset is blocked because a non-Edgescan user paused the assessment.
Reverse DNS Lookups missing There is missing DNS information from your asset configuration.