
How do I start a scan?

You can initiate scanning either during the asset creation workflow, or by navigating to the asset and clicking initiate scanning above the calendar.

Version Number: v1.0.1

Published Date: 13 May 2024


There are currently 3 ways to initiate scanning on an asset

1. During Asset Creation

See documentation for creating a single asset or bulk asset creation.

2. From the assets page

  1. Navigate to the asset's page.
  2. Click "Initiate Scanning" button on the "Scanning schedule" tile.
  3. Click "Confirm" on the confirmation pop up window.


Note: if the asset is not ready to be scanned, the button will not be selectable, like in the example below:


3. Using bulk initiate scanning feature

  1. Navigate to the Assets list page.
  2. Select the asset(s) you want to initiate scanning on.
  3. Click the "Bulk Actions" button to get a list of available actions.
  4. Select Initiate Scanning from Bulk Actions list.
  5. Click "Confirm" on the confirmation pop up window.


Note: if any of the selected assets are not ready to be scanned, the button will not be selectable, like in the example below: