How do I generate a retest link?

In Edgescan, you can generate and share a retest link with somebody who does not have access to the Edgescan platform. This link will allow them to initiate a retest on the vulnerability when they believe it's been remediated.

Version Number: v1.0.1

Published Date: 30 May 2024


In Edgescan, you can generate and share a retest link with somebody who does not have access to the Edgescan platform. This link will allow them to initiate a retest on the vulnerability when they believe it's been remediated.

Caution: When you are generating a retest link, it will be usable by anybody who has the link.

Generating a retest link via UI

To generate a link via the UI, just create an event and specify email as the notification method. You can select the "Include retest vulnerability link in emails" button.

Generating a retest link via API

To generate a link via the API, send a GET request to the retest_link resource.{}/retest_link.json


We have vulnerability 50509.

We generate a link using

Using your retest link

When you use the link, it will prompt you to submit your retest request.

Results will be presented in the platform when complete.