How do I create a single asset in Edgescan?

Creating an asset in Edgescan happens via 3 methods. Self-service in the platform, via the API or via the Edgescan team.

Version Number: v1.0.1

Published Date: 13 May 2024


How can I create an Asset?

The Asset creation screen is available on the Assets Index page(1), where a small grey plus icon is available(2) for users with sufficient permissions.


Clicking on it opens up a side panel with options to create an asset or multiple assets (bulk).
To choose between single and bulk asset creation options click on respective tab in the upper part of the panel.


Single Asset creation - screen details

This screen is broken down into 3 main areas, each area containing specific fields used to define an asset. Those areas are:

  1. Asset details

    When populating details, fields like 1, 2, 3, & 4 in the example below are mandatory, mandatory fields will be marked with an asterisk at the end of their label. If some mandatory fields are missing, the create button at the bottom of the panel will be disabled.


  2. Licences

    The licences drop-down contains a list of licences from all orders, with their start and end dates, and available/total purchased quantities.

    You can select 1 licence of each type, for example 1 Professional licence, one ASM add-on, one PCI add-on and/or one PenTest.


  3. Location specifiers

    While adding location specifiers(2), type is inferred based on provided location(1), and when the type is successfully inferred, the location will be added to the list(4), or, when failing to infer, a message will be displayed informing you of the issue(3). If location specifier already exists on another asset, warning sign (5) will be displayed in location specifier list (4) displaying warning message when you mouse over it.

  4. Create action
    At the bottom of the form, there is a "Create" button (1), that is disabled until form is populated with minimum required information.
    Select the Initiate scanning checkbox (2) to Initiate Scanning on the asset.


Mandatory fields have an asterisk (*) at the end of their label, as shown below :