Does Edgescan have secure coding guidelines?

Edgescan is an approved scanning vendor and the organisation is CREST certified.

Version Number: v1.0.1

Published Date: 13 May 2024


  • We conduct continuous vulnerability scanning of our platform and all internet-facing applications/IP’s.​
  • We conduct regular vulnerability scanning of internal infrastructure.​
  • We conduct regular penetration testing of our platform and internet-facing assets using internal penetration testing resources (Edgescan is operated by multiple teams of penetration testers)​
  • Our penetration testing methodology is CREST accredited​
  • Our solution is a PCI Approved Scanning Vendor​
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  • We conduct annual penetration testing of our entire platform and internet-facing assets by a third-party penetration testing company.​
  • Security events are monitored by our operations team​
  • We maintain a strong ‘Secure Coding’ ethos for our developers and are happy to share our Secure Development Policies
    • We utilize static code analysis in our build pipeline​
    • We utilize dependency auditing in our build pipeline​
    • Our production stack is all fully containerized​
    • We operate agile development methodologies, testing in fully segregated environments prior to deployment.​