Can I setup auto-renewal of licences in Edgescan?

You can specify any type of licence that you wish to automatically renew a licence.

Version Number: v1.0.1

Published Date: 29 Mar 2024


There are two types of licence renewal strategies that give you control over how your licences get automatically assigned.

Renewing By Licence Name

You select the name of the licence you want to be auto-renewed on your asset and we use a first-in-first-out system to automatically assign an available active licence from an appropriate order. This is the best option for flexibility when you don’t mind what order the licences come from.

By Order Item 

You select the order item from which you want to renew the licences and we will automatically assign an available active licence from this order item. This works best for multi-year orders where you want to be specific about where the licences come from.


A licence assigned as an auto-renewal won't be utilised until the previous licence is expires. So you can remove it from auto-renewal if you wish to use it somewhere else.

Once a licence has been setup for auto-renewal you can view and amend the licence that will be used on the asset in the bottom left of the asset page.