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Can Edgescan configure scans to only happen during certain timeframes?
Edgescan can scan with a combination of scan schedules and scan freeze windows to adhere to even the most strict scan windows.
Version Number: v1.0.1
Published Date: 8 Apr 2024
Any or all of your assets can be put on specific scanning schedules.
Edgescan will default to a 24/7 scan schedule if you do not specify a scan schedule, or do not set one in the platform.
Edgescan has a series of scan windows that are controlled by scan schedules and freeze windows. These can be managed as a per asset or per organisation configuration.
For example: Edgescan can scan only during your business hours, or only outside of business hours, weekdays only, etc.
Please let us know during asset creation if you have any specific requirements in this regard.
Additionally, should the need for such a schedule arise post asset creation, simply contact us with the details and we will amend the schedule.